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Indian Markets In Steep Fall As Middle East Tensions Stay

Indian markets dropped for the fourth consecutive day. The BSE Sensex tumbled a sharp 826...

Global Markets Are In Turmoil As Interest Rates Head Higher

The rapid rise in rates in the past few weeks is increasingly spilling over into other...

The Nifty Hits 20000, Investors Turn Cautious

As the developed world experiences a recession, the picture is different in India....

‘India's Entrepreneurial Spirit Alive And Kicking': ASK Group's Bharat Shah On Changing Markets And Growing Economy

For The Core Report Weekend Edition, The Core's Govindraj Ethiraj spoke to Bharat Shah,...

Markets Have Fallen 1200 Points In Two Days

The BSE Sensex has now plunged over 1,200 points in 2 days thanks to the surprise...

America Is Hit With A Ratings Downgrade

Fitch Ratings downgraded the U.S. government's credit rating, the first by a major ratings...

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